Beep! Beep! (You have been introduced to THE PHONE)[Well it went off again, It doesnt go off too many times but it does from time to time and with the same tone of voice at the other end.] People are either calling to tell me where I screwed up or where my need has arisen.
This morning once more I was confronted by the oft heard and now expected " pRicky... Do you know the access code to RP1???"
pRicky with natural optimism and absolute cheer " Don't know, I am not sure" (Now thats the thing I am never sure... and my first response to things always is I don't know. I think I should just record it and keep it...)
The caller" But I need it... If you could jsut give me the code..." Now of course you need it. Otherwise why in hell's name would you call me? But I really didn't know.
pRicky suggested " Call the HOD... she will have it..." I also feel I suggest way too much. I mean who am I???
The Caller in all propriety " But do you think this is the appropriate time..."
I now completely blew away... flabergasted pRicky ventured " how the hell does it matter if its appropriate or not? And when will it be more appropriate than Nine in the morning?" I also conveniently forgot that I am rude and very insensitive bordering on crude more times than not and people often say its easier for me to be sarcastic than anything else... Well, what can I say people measure me just about not absolutely wrong...
The caller " But I dont have her number..."
Now when was the last time when solution of one problem didnt follow with another?
pRicky " Ill find it and give it to you" Now how and I want to knwo hoe will you do it? Are you the freaking Interpol? Why? Why do you have to find out?
on the shoulder...
" you aren't allowed to use the phone inside here..."
Now why the hell not??
Well cause I aka pRicky was in the library and it has a swank name to top it off THE LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER so obviously any other reason well wouldnt be expected as there wont be another reason if truth be told. Some rules are just so they fill the whole A4 sheet...
I am also highly obedient so I instantly after assuring the shoulder taper bent down to tie my shoe lace which needed no such attention and continued my convo but the caller had hung up and my awesome movie learned and perfected trick went, well, unfilmed. Well Hollywood's loss... What can I say?
I dont know what got into me. I walked across the two blocks. Went to a techs room.
Negative! They didnt know it.
I didnt have much trust in the number I had found.
But this caller for some reason was counting on me...
I hate it when people count on me. Most times they just want to get some work out of me other times lik this time they count on me... And I am also the king of disappointments...
All my life and till date I have been scorned at made fun of and even been laughed at about my basic understanding and practice of Mathematics.
But when I walked back... with the caller in the RP1... It was strange...
No one would still rely on my maths and on anything else for that matter... I would neevr be helpful with any kind of mathematical conclusions. I wouldnt be able to do the Milk monthly bill... People would wonder how on earth did I actually do 12 years of mathematics and still be so bad at it...
I'll know them if not remember...
I had lebanese Breakfast at six thirty in the Evening... It was yumm. I have never figured specific times for food. They don't matter to me anyhow
Went to the Natural History Museum...
Man! My mouth remained open in WOAH!!!
All through...
The dinos... I am still to speechless...
I love MUSEUMS>>>>>>>
THE PICS ARENT GOOD BUT HEY I WAS MORE occupied making WOAH sounds... Little boys were wondering where I had come from... I can give boys a run for their money at any age when it comes to acting their age...
![]() | Cool Slideshows |
Saw the most beautiful creatures and man they were sexy...
The four wheeled beauties...
![]() | Cool Slideshows |
T's mom came and left. It was quite awesome. We were a gang (or atleast I like to imagine we were and T and T's mom might disagree and if not for being nice and polite they might deny the claim but nevertheless) when it came to pizza's and generally eatable stuff.
It was real refreshing to have her around. She was more fun than ever. Even more cooler than ....
this is where I should stop talking...
But anyhow she was to catch her plane back to India.
So T and I accompanied her to the airport.
Now I have said this before and I say it again I hate riding in Buses and We were travelling in it and I was not happy one bit...
I tried standing but was feeling real umm Ill just say sleepy to protect my image I was actually nauseous... Darn it!!! I said it damn...
Anyhow, I had a bag with me and I put it on th seat next to me and Another thing I realise each time I sit in a bus is that I dont fit into the seat and so I managed to position in a way that I went into a fitful nap.
Next thing I knew, the bus had stopped and someone had whisked away the bag and ran out...

I bolted out. Not as fast as I should have and not in as cool as people usually do...
But I did.
Thought 1: I am running, damn I should have worn shoes... (I was wearing floaters and I never wear them ever)
Thought 2: Ill start sweating in my sweatshirt... I have no freaking clue why I thought that??
Thought 3: I can see them... He is trying to give the bag to the other guy... the other guy hasnt realised what the first guy was trying to do and I could see them still... Shit what if the bus would leave...
Thought 4: Ill get beaten up today... Why me? why me??
Then I saw that they threw the bag and I picked it back and yelled an obscenity... ran back to the bus... Saw relieved T and T's mom... I felt like an idiot for not being responsible...
I would like to have said I caught the guys and punched them both but I can just say I wish...
I am quite glad that they threw the bag and left cause I really couldnt have afforded another broken specs and I didnt want to be beaten up...
well anyhow... My London bus to Heathrow journeys are jinxed... It happened in the winter in What the fog...
T is the most darnest thing to have around when she is afflicted by the attack of the sleep. It quite awe inspiring and tremendously powerful sight...
Played with Chinese.... Basketball...
My flukes should be the stuff with what legendary golden flukes are made...
It felt good to be on the court but ...
Scotland calling...
Je suis Prest!!!
If only...
:) scared em off which is why they dropped it!!! Way to go pRicky
waddya mean by awe inspiring? and powerful sight??? gggrrrr
u were singing! and i am in awe that i reached back and so did u!!!:)
my brave pRicky!!! with the bag and al... what the ba(a)g!
AWESOME slideshows!!! I want car, i want car, I WANT IT! Great angle for the video...made it look almost real!
Mobiles phones can be used anywhere as the name A MOBILE PHONE suggests... some universal library related and even otherwise rules need some serious revamping...
well believe it or not...people always count on u but it's just upto u for those to matter...
You’ve got the chronic, classic H problem. You beat yourself up too much over nothing. And you misrepresent yourself in situation. Ringing singing slap for that. :-) I’ll bet you’re the most dependable and bravest boy in the whole damn class.
Your dissertation must be around the corner, right? Best of luck for that P.
Your bus journey to Heathrow was quite the challenge; however even being inside of heathrow is quite a challenge! I've had some nightmarish experiences while in transit at Heathrow, missing a connecting flight was one of the less harrowing ones!
Lebanes breakfast...I wonder what that entails.
Interesting read.
hmmm...u chase trouble, trouble chases u...either ways, its u who does the running all the time :P
(pah! what brilliant comment i say, my genious surprises even me at times.sheesh, i think i'll just not comment on blogs for a while to recover:D)
psst...ur blog is one of the last men standing against the tyranny for word verifc. u go dude! do not buckle under pressure!
Fantastic slide shows....
hum drums was cute...Why this title? You not only write stuff interestingly but u also write interesting stuff! Was that dinosaur video taken by you? Good
I still have not recovered from the madame trussard's or whatever her name is visit. I was sitting in a corner while everyone finished their rounds.
but I'm at a chronic risk of the archeological survey of india declaring my house as a museum of four-and-more legged creatures.
btw, SUPER PICTURES! of the cars I mean. You have an eye. :)
@Prude: nothing can be far from truth
@Tsu: Brave??? haha good one. you knwo exactly what happened
@prude:man those cars are way to sexy...
@Anteres: I agree quite whole hearted with you... want to lead the revolution?
@Avtaar: Thats a good piece of advice... I am the selfish one from now on ;-)
@the caller: I didnt quite understand... BUt I am sure you meant well thanks
@H: Di, there is a difference you are way cooler... and nah that word cant be associated with me...
@id: I quite agree with you. mine was nothing compared to yours. Any how the lebanese breakfast was pretty cool. there were things in it that I cant pronounce or spell but if you are a foody then we could soemday get together and we could get that combo right... wat say?
@Crumbs: I like it that way... I am the last man standing yipeee
@Southpaw: glad you liked them
@Farishta: Ma'am humdrums was to signify that this is the daily routine of my day. I mean yes not the second half when i got mugged but the first bit. I cant believe how overwhelmed your appreciation leaves me. I hope not to disappoint you and worse still bore you.
@Toothlesswonder: I would then love to visit your house... And thanks for the pics. I have four eyes and i guess these were flukes which came out well...
its odd isn't it how different people read a post about varied topics? fascinating. the only thing that struck me most in the post was the facct that u dont care about the time of day and the meal.. u know..thst ho w i am too.. and i was sort of consciously aware of it only after i read wht u wrote.. :D i can eat breakfast at night too.. i dont really care. cool.
btw.. i wooowe the dinosauuuuu
cool cars and cool slideshow actuallly.
whts with u and getting mugged, beaten up etc etc..ur dumb stoopid boy.
I was going to write something on the same lines, collecting everythng that happened all this while...
you always beat me to it!
brilliantly written, i know you would say what a bloody fluke!
this is the golden one ;)
Basketball with the chinese, huh? way to go!
The bag part damn cool, you actually abused those guys?? ;)
Just that should have read it earlier! damn..
what is a lebanese breakfast? us americans would like to know? :) how are you...looks like you had quite a least you didn't end up with a black eye or something...yeah don't wear loafers..they're not cool! :) hehehe....
thanks for stopping you like Lavina...i like it too...we'll see what I of right now it seems like all the names except for Avanya are running neck and neck which makes the decision harder...we'll see....
"jurassic park 4-the prick of the dinosaurs" huh?
nice video yo!
aoy those cars are just yo! man... must be a big steal :)
sheesh 'm so bad at words.
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