Smile an everlasting smile
A smile could bring you near to me
Don't ever let me find you gone
'Cause that would bring a tear to me
This world has lost it's glory
Let's start a brand new story
Now my love right now there'll be
No other time and I can show you
How my love
Talk in everlasting words
And dedicate them all to me
And I will give you all my life
I'm here if you should call to me
You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say
It's only words, and words are all
I have to take your heart away
You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say
It's only words, and words are all
I have to take your heart away
It's only words, and words are all
I have to take your heart away
Thanks to one of the best voices I have had the pleasure to hear, I heard this song again. I have sung it and I cant sing but I did sing it once with all I had needless to say the words were not believed...
A caution: To anyone who by worst of lucks has chanced on this rambling, I issue a statutory warning- THIS IS GOING TO BE LONG...
Its been a very confusing for the weather in London. Its been quite indecisive. Absolutely unable to figure which side of the fence it should be stepping. It might have lost touch with time in all probability and hence couldnt quite figure out if it was time for spring or winter.

So its been shuttling with the weather. Long beautiful and endless sunny days. These are days which you can only imagine in London. London has that english Enid Blytonish eagerness to bring to attention child like mouth opening amazement.
I hate winters. They aid my natural lathery towards existence of any sorts. I am the worst kind of sloth that ever existed. I revel in summer. Summer makes me move. If it wasnt for summers I would have been a relic with spiderwebs my armoury.
So in its long confusion, weather gamely let London have a taste of some very chilly time. It seemed like it was a way of the weather to tell us to cherish every bit of sunshine... Ok but lets not get into my thinking of what was happening cause the basic reasons for the weather changes were environmental.
Every sunny day and every bright sunny day I looked at and smiled from inside my room but continued working on my laptop or a desktop with an unease. I didnt feel like being stuck with anything artificial. Techno crap was all I felt I was indulging in. Day in and day out.
Straight 20hours with the web.
And each time I shut the PC down I shut myself down with a guilt of needing to sleep when I could have used them to figure about this quagmire of absolute marsh of unlimited and untapped unimagined possibilities. These mysteries of the cyber just wanted me to keep at it.
Needless to say I managed nothing. I didnt come up with nothing which would mark me down in the History of net and web and digital revolution. If anything I am even more intimidated then when I had started.
So many have told me now that I want to run even before I learn how to walk.
I havent been punched. Honestly, I dont even know if anyone has ever managed to punch me. Very early on in my life my Father told me never come back home having beaten up. never start a fight but never return having been hit by anyone.
Those words have been with me all through. Actually I havent forgotten a lot of what my Father has spoken to me about. So every fight, whether it was a guy bigger than me or my size. I have punched and finished fast.
Rest assured I am a coward. The worst one you can ever encounter. Most of my fights and skirmishes were brutal foolishness.
So when today three punches right at my chin one after the other actually made me realise that this was the first time I had ever been punched and then something went off in my head...
I can still taste the disgust of being weak in my mouth. And it is more nauseating than usual.
Its devastating be a weakling when your father is one of the bravest and strongest of the most honourable men.
The olive green... OG
The colours I have wanted to wear ever since I saw them and understood them for what they are.
I have lived amongst this colour most of my life.
Army has been the be all and the end all of most of my life.
The one man I have always aspired to be like and always at every point in my life fallen short of in every aspect has worn the uniform of an Indian Army officer in the best way possible. He has inspired me for all that I dream about today. And it was him that I wanted to make proud in everything I did. Needless to say I have never come through.
Shreemukh joins the academy this year. This guy has only wanted to be an Army officer. I have known him like not many could. And I know what being an Officer means to him. He is one of those who commands respect because of what he is... this time next year my Brother will be crossing one of the most important lines towards his dream and taking the Antim Pag to a huge beginning.
He and I and Bej, the third musketeer had seen dreams of being with each other. Of being officers. Of Saluting each other...
I could not keep my word. And I cant apologise enough. But I just never had it in me...
Lt. Sandeep V Hegde of the 8 Assam. He has gotten what he almost thought he might not get. He wears the OG with the honour and the pride of a human who has proved to himself that he was meant to be in those colours and that he adds pride to the establishment being a part of it.
He is one of those who commands respects with what he does on ground.
It is a stark dissimilarity when you know so many who are worthy and dedicated, and those words just are associated with you when you use them to describe others...
So many think I am a fool and a kid for wanting to be in the army instead of being in London. I wonder What am I?

The Sunday, I watched five movies back to back. Didnt eat. Just watched movies and spent a lot of time deciphering a weird language but endlessly enticing and enchanting... its known as HTML to geeks of the world...
I need to report that our ham (by our I mean T and mine) was stolen and not just ham but juice (extremely traumatising to T) and cheese spread (which T is upset about obviously ) and in all this abject loss I like always remained utterly amused... T is right I am diseased in the head...
I also wonder if people actually get drunk?
I mean I feel most times they just get too dehydrated and start blabbering as the alcohol reacts with h2o and then probably they are unable to walk on a straight line.
I know one thing though... People talk a whole lot and lot more sense when they are drunk. Probably because it lets them have the cover of being not in control...
Singing in the rain is what I am watching while typing in dark... Prude and T are laughing. Its honest uninhibited and inconsistent and honest noise of glee...
I ran after my first sparring session ever. I was so terrified that I was closing my eyes each time I saw a punch coming at me...

I hated running... Now I yearn for it. As I was running with sunshine bouncing of my yellow sweatshirt and more of it dashing off my face I remembered what I used to do when my Father would wake me up and send me for a run...
I can cook in theory... T will elucidate if your are nice to her...
I am completely with you on that one. Summer over Winter for H any day.
And you will run Pricky, you will. [can you at least let me know your first-name initial, it seems cruel to call you Pricky].
If you’re a coward bwoy, then we’re all ostriches. And you should not apologise. I think your mind was meant for other things. One can add meaning to one’s life in many ways.
So what if you didn’t fight back? It doesn’t matter. I know you won’t cower when the stakes are higher, in things that matter more than a split lip.
:) love running, am glad...only months of summer ahead!
Sometimes people find it hard to believe anything...its not because you didn't try hard enough.
Thrice? :( coming for coffee asap to hear this one.
And I could give it to you in writing that when the stakes are higher and people that matter to you are involved you will fight back and WIN.
I know am going to make you extremely angry by saying this but I do mean it...YOU would have made an awesome ARMY officer.
And ummm...unfortunately for you, whether you like it or not...ur still the best cook here in Harrow campus! I didnt say in the world so u might as well accept graciously and accept with a bow.
i agree with H and Prude, i do believe you will hold your ground when it matters. i apologise for making that insensitive dig about spines in general. and.. if just wearing a uniform cannot make one OG how can the lack of one possibly keep one from being OG? convoluted sentence that. shall make up for it with a billy joel song:
@H: I knew we would have lots more in common since i found that u r a foodie like me... Thanks for the backing. U have a tendency to over whelm me with ur opinion about me.
Why just the initial??
you on gmail?? I could do with ur interesting words, and thoughts through the day...
@Prude:Ya I do... though it doesnt seem like i do if anyone was to see me... Thrice what? Ya come over for the coffee... and heres the bow... *bow* U asked and i did... don know why though...
@Onyma: So you believe that Ill hold me own huh??? I am going to hold u to it then...
The song well... umm I am quite curious why this song... interesting it is...
check for the email link on my blog profile :-) But let me warn you, there isn't anything profound in store hahahahaha.
i like anything written about the olive green brigade....somewhere below uve written about howprude and someone else laughed 'uninhabited'maybe its a mistake and it shud hve been 'uninhibited'...i know it is a typographical error...u write well
I am sorry for the typo... Its been amended thank you for pointing it out...
And Ma'am I dont write anything close to what you write but you have been depriving me of your writing...
Tad unfair... Please write its awesome to read anything that you write and thanks so much for stopping by.
this is by far the best post in your blog till now. Anything else that I say would be completely unnecessary. The ending this time, the last line.. too good.
dont judge a book by its cover. OG for me is more of jus two colors. U as a person is worth more than anything. u could be wearing any crap on this earth ul get more respect from me when u help a old person cross the road than u stand gallantly and fight for our country.
i am sorry ure father was wrong by tellin u not to get hurt and come back. unless u know how it is to be defeated ul never completely enjoy the victory uve got in winning a battle. i am sure he meant in a war don get killed, literally not in anything u describe..
nothing we say will ever satisfy u! and u ask for proof and if i give it to u that is not enough. decide. do i need to stand in front of u with a gun? is that proof enough?
and yes!!! his theory cooking is way better when the recipe comes to me... :) apparently i got the right color he was looking for!!!
pun pun pun very much intended...
u got punched...wht the hell? and what did u do abt that???
I AM GONNA KILL U...:( :( u knw this song is my life...u reminded me at this hr ..all the things..n now m all wretched ..
words and words are all i first song for her..
i sang on phone..
u r diseased in da head
i betcha cosmos feels dat way abt the OG too...have heard him more than once get emotional abt the whole thins...d only one time i see men get emotional anyway.
and whose yellow sweatshirt, may I ask? ;-D
about getting drunk-have u forsotten the abnormal psychology lessons og how alcohol effects the mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathway and all our memory and reasoning goes for a toss??
about Olive green- damn i so wish that i could see u in that color :/ think its more than just a color...
i shd have red this completely before..sorry is all what i can say..
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