"So What happened to you?" inquired the weird little woman
I literally looked around cause I had no reason to believe that a question like that could be addressed to me by someone who knew me as less as I knew her. (And that explains what??? God! How do people understand what I say ever?)
But anyways, gifted as I am with the highly tuned powers of deep perception and penetration, (couldnt resist... Apologies!!!) figured that it was me who was being addressed with that very irrelevant query and so I responded with the most appropriate *you know me not, who the hell are you and what do you mean* frown and the very intelligent and extremely academic and time tested and weathered
And then came the question which I figured would explain everything but instead it lead me to actually look all around the room to figure who in the hells name was the WLW (weird Little woman) talking to. And the question went as follows:
"Are you a Muslim?"
I gagged (no religious reasons merely cause I realised she was in reality talking to me). And then I got my breath back and whatever little composure I could and said "Ummm... erm No"
And then it dawned
"So why are do you have a beard?"
And I actually went into the whole bio lesson of how boys contain in some quantity some kind of a weird fluid which is called testosterone which enables them to sprout fuzz all over their face and pay homage and tribute to our very wise and trouser less ancestors- The Apes.
So I said but I gagged and squirmed "umm because it happens to boys when..."
I am quite glad I didnt finish that sentence cause I am not sure I could have without lot of sarcasm and a fact about me is I am not sarcastic at all. I am the least sarcastic being on this earth. I would go as far as to say that if tomorrow humanity ceased to exist and I was the last human to have survived then sarcasm would have been extinct already... Though I know there could be debated as to how much of a human I am to be the last of the race but we will leave that for another day.
"So you girlfriend left you?" the pragmatic WLW
Which I heard as "Your girlfriend dumped you???"
And I was stumped... I mean how would she know ???
And I said in almost a whisper"erm I dont have a girlfriend..."
"So then why havent you shaved?"
And I just couldn't figure out the answer to that one cause when I did physics I knew of no equation which would translate to the fact that having a beard is directly proportional to having been dumped
being clean shaven equals to having a girl friend...
Did anyone else cover this in their syllabi???
I would like a quick appraisal to those two equations. So I can handle the questions better next time... What say tutor me???

And so I stretched the my bladder to the optimum limits as I heard him relay his encyclopedia. Even his words are hyperlinked...
And so I continued to test the limits of my bladder for over two hours and walked to bliss in a very awkward fashion...
A relief ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
hahahaha! laughing after ages...Iam glad you exercised your sense of humour, finally!!!
WLW is so cute....
Apes find their way to your blog somehow or the other...
The pic is damn cool!!
So how is the beard doing? ;)
Smart woman...was she a figment of ur imagination??
Yupp...its directly proportional to the beard to the power of 10!
Not having a beard does not mean that u have a girlfriend...it just leaves the on-lookers curious and confused about ur status...safer mode.
The sudden removal of ur facial hair doesn't tell me much...
I liked the beard!
Nice post.
ha ha ha!!! i dunno what to say!! i cant take credit for beging forcing and blackmailin u to shave i guess... thanks to WLW!!! :) i know who she is... i seeem to be omnipresent. wont tell u don try askin me...
like ure new luk as well...
ha ha ha!!! i dunno what to say!! i cant take credit for beging forcing and blackmailin u to shave i guess... thanks to WLW!!! :) i know who she is... i seeem to be omnipresent. wont tell u don try askin me...
like ure new luk as well...
ur not shaving coz...?
ur lazy
ur jobless
ur bankrupt
u think its cool
u think its uncool
u have no time (huhaha)
u left ur shaving kit at home
wotever. i know many WLWs...one of them is right here. I call her MT
I really couldn't make sense of the previous post. :|
The most practical answer would've been - "I didn't bother to shave." Reasons need not be given. Also, catch her the next time she sprouts facial hair, or any other hair. :D
Other answers to that question exist, but shall not be posted in public.
Quite funny... could not help laughing aloud... :D
wise words from a wise albeit weird little woman.
so, Pricky, has your girlfriend dumped you?
@MT: umm dont know about execising my humour but i have had to exercise my brains to stay clear of the discussions my beard or the lack of it was attracting... Weird it is!!!
Cute s in a chair is cute? or as a dog is cute or as clay statutes or dumbasses are cute???
@Prude: safer mode??? please elaborate on ur theory... Not figment of imagination... very real... very wierd
@TSU: ur of the few who do... Gracias... I dont recognise myself but otherwise it s k i guess!!!
@Reema: umm u r telling me or u know???
@AC: yeah I quite agree with u but when ubsurdity hits u this close to the face u tend to reply dazed...
we shall talk about the non public comment later... wont we???
@Goli: pleasure is all mine
@h: and if she has then??? for the sake of argument lets say she has...
Then I totally get the face fuzz.
that's all.
Hey I never said I don't like the new look!!...Commented on the old one because thats what the post was about wasn't it??
@h: and if she didnt then what??
@prude: very relevant...
Well WLW was quite a barber there...chpped all that hair off your face...wth just a comment huh?? gud atleast u shaved...bt new look redundant...upgradation required...
u seriously didnt know
growing a bread=getting dumped
and i tot u watched devdas :D
Always good to have a clean image!
ITs all because of Devdas. I wish he had not sported beard. Then guys today would not need to face any such weird situations.
Nice fuuny post... :)
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