Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Few things kill a relationship like conversations lost to the wind. I have been thinking about this for some time only because I have realized that always applying logic to the reason why people don't have stimulating conversations 'anymore' won't give you an answer. All it will give you is an excuse. The other thing which kills a relationship are excuses.
Though nothing kills a relationship like a 'wise ass'.
Now this wise ass prides himself not only at being a Practical as well as a Logical god's gift to the world heavily lacking in the aforementioned category of wise asses!
Its rather a combustive reaction when you catalyze the above with a fair dash of 'I know how things work in minds of 99 percent of the human and 72 percent of animal species'
So when things go south and the wise ass can't say much to protect that holier than thou are cause well basically his priced leg down his throat. How to make a conversation interesting? Well, don't think... After a while you really just talk without an agenda without attempting to do anything other than just doing the obvious.

1 comment:

Pavitra said...

whoa! 99 percent of the human and 72 percent of animal species...therein lies the problem. The wise ass thinks he knows too much...a little more humility might go a loooong way! :P