New year... the big deal??? it is double 007...
Why wonder why there should be a big deal??? I mean why not just accept that we have been through another 365 days of strife and conflicts, failures and relative successes, personal and otherwise, and we should just shout in glee?
So well Welcomed the new year at the London bridge... alone amongst strangers... Got separated from my crowd of friends... I walk too good damn fast and don't see where I am going... and hence get lost but this time around i was looking at the sky... I was hoping to see an epiphany to strike... only saw wisps of smoke and crackers going off... T and phaaji and then the others were whom I wished the new year wishes to...
Shrieking all around people jumping around greeting the first few moments of 2007...
Our group subdued or retrospective I wonder which it was more... I was still waiting for an epiphany... and also was trying to get pics and getting them all out of focus... and to think I was trying to project complete lack of excitement...
I had greeted new year with respect... Didnt eat anything in the waning hours of 2006 and didnt eat anything till 4 am in 2007... Also London winter is quite a hilarious joke... hugged the new year in black...
Dont believe me? Ask anyone who was belting chocolate and bread in the tube... I resisted all temptations... rishi munni's would be quite impressed...
Went to pee in HILTON with phaaji and drummer... quite a loo that... Walked in as if we owned the place... worked I guess since no one chucked us out... Walking out Phaaji and I promised to meet in ten years in the loo of the Hilton again... though I guess he would be able to afford the room then...
Brit men pee in street corners too...
and not just a corner just about anywhere place where they assume no one can see them...
You know you are an Indian in UK when:
1. you miss auto rickshaws as an alternate to public transports... even bloody buses follow a time table here. You miss it and you dont have an alternate but wait for the next one... the taxis charge a ransom and need to be booked... GOD! what organised chaos... you dont have a plan B unlike in India where there always is a way...
2. You realise that the bread you purchased there and didnt care how much anyone belted it, here you actually wonder how you can economise on bread... OMG!!! its bloody bread... developed country which you decide???
3. When instead of eating only warm delicacies you eat ice cream in the centrally heated dorms...
4. When smoke alarms and fire drills seem quite a novel idea.
5. When you cook on electric metal things called hobs and think they are weird instead of a gas choolah...
6. When the bathroom allows you to shave, poo and bathe at the same time because of its miniscule size instead of the different rooms u have at the PG you lived for three years...
7. When you go buy milk at a superstore and find it quite tormenting... the friendly neighbourhood doodh waala missed....
8. When you find a haircut becomes an annual ceremony owing to its cost... £8= Rs 720 only
9. When you start missing mosquitoes and flies because you have always found them prevalent rain, winter or shine...
10. When you think a million times of whether to buy Parle-G and Maggi and eventually not buy it...
Nice look!!! the beard.... quite rugged that...
Comments on unkempt appearance by French, American and African women (very kind women)
People just love to kid me...
FOCL each time!!!
A Britisher knocked me off my rockers when he spoke about sita aur gita and burning train with vivid details... they are quite long and very sensual and colourful...
A German called the music of the movies he caught quiet cheesy... had to agree with him when he sang it too... though couldnt quite recall what he was singing in the heavy accent...
I always get caught between two warring women!!!
And I cant handle women either stressing or crying and when they fight I feel I might get belted and hence dont quite know how to react... miss T and SAM the two in mention here!!!
Are there male right activists???
An Indian in India. Aum Namah Shivaay
Yup there are male right activists...about all the men in the world!! Well written, a tad too long but engrossing. You saw Brit men peeing?? ha ha
Happy New Year!!
I reiterate - What's the big fucking deal anyway? :D
You're right about the fact that it's been 365 days of all the stuff and that it needs to be reflected upon and remembered and all that.
But why only a new year? Why not a new month? And everybody goes - Yay!!! Happy february doodh... Why not a new week? And everybody goes - Dooohood, y'know like, happy nu week man!
Get it?
PS: I get my haircut done for 30 bucks. Quite an upgrade from the 20 I used to pay eh?
Just had a wicked thought. Truly wicked.
I thus quote Altaf Raja.
"Tum tho teher pardeeesiiii,
Saath kya nibhaogey?"
@Reema: wow what a fact... enlightened!!! GAWD
@Prude: AAPKO bhi...
YUP saw his backside... I am sure u wanna know why I didnt bring that to ur attention... well just didnt,,,;-)
@AC: Happy fucking moment to u dooodh!!! you upgraded huh???
Bloody high society u r SNIGER!!!
It's gud tht one dsnt need to buy thoughts around here, else it wud hv been bloody expensive to even post an entry...Lots whizzing past tht brain it seems....U r nt d only one!!!
ummm. Brit men pee is corners and anywhere they can't be seen. Indian men... aahhh. they do it with pride!
Rah rah. go Indian.
but honestly. Indian men over Brit men. any day.
easier to argue with. :-D
u saw brit guys pee? gawd! sadness
and hey..indian in london list was quite cute:)
:)missed u at the strike of the new year. i dunno i think we are making a bigger deal than it already is. i would have to go out and buy milk if the doodhwalla falls sick. we do that twice a week! :) good post...
hobs suck beyond words
i disagree with reema.
there are no male rights activists in this world. no male is ever right.if he is, he deserves no rights.
NOw can you PLEASE JUS SHAVE...!!!
its FREE....!!!:-)
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