Dham! Dham! Dhum! (I am not quite sure how to literally convert the sound made my banging of a door...)
Usually it is Prude who bangs on the flat door to be let in, so she can grace the inhabitants of 88-O with her presence. But It wasn't Prude... Lo Behold! it was Sam and she seemed in a very controlled hysteria.
Background---After travelling for nearly two weeks during term time (Adventurous is how we like to describe Sam...) Sam fell sick as soon as she came to London and was in a bad shape and hence couldnt finish her master piece assignment story and now she was a day from her Extension deadline... without a story and with all her ideas shot down due to Scrooge like humbugs of this Romantic and extremely foggy city (Delhi fog is still giving London fog a run for its money though...)
Sam: I don't have a story
pRicky: hmm! You do... (I am the most irritating thing when someone is stressed and a no good know it all... I also thought that Sam would scratch my eyes out... Sam didnt bother)
Sam: No, I don't
pRicky: Yes, you do...
T: What happened? (Now that should really have been the question which pRicky should have been going after... but no the obvious doesnt interest him... no too much it is to be comforting to pRicky)
Sam: I had four ideas in the morning and now all of them are down the freezing drains...
pRicky: You have a story... (God! I should really take classes... I am infuriating)
Sam: Huh? (I am sure she was thinking... God he really doesnt understand English...)
pRicky: Well it is foggy and hence that is your story... Let's see the BBC...
Sam: Ah! ok...
BBC is very very helpful... turns out it did a story about domestic and international flights being delayed and cancelled due to fog.
Sam: Hmm thats a good story...
pRicky: You have a story... (Will you stop already???)
T: You could go to the airport?
Sam: Yeah, I will go to the airport... (Now that is real journalism... one moment she has no story and next she is off...) How much time does it take to get to the airport?
pRicky: ten minutes to the town center and fifty to Heathrow... Could take more owing to the fog... (he would know... the number of trips he has made to say bye bye to people... I mean I would know)
Sam: Ok so I will go now...
She was damn excited, I think...
I really cant keep my mouth shut and interfere with everyone's business. And the proof to that is as follows:
pRicky: Do you want me to come with you? (Why wouldnt you let the lady do her thing? why?)
Sam: You dont have to... (Hesitant... God why would he want to come??? I am sure thats what Sam thought)
pRicky: Do you want me to come?
Need I answer what happened next? Both of us got into a very crowded bus to Heathrow Airport (Yes, there are real overflowing crowded buses in London also... I hate buses... they never have any space in them at all. I never fit in them)
Sam: Upstairs? (Yeah these are the famous double Decker buses...)
pRicky: Sure!!! ( Damn! these steps are real narrow... I hate buses!!!)
I try and fit myself into the gap between the two seats... Fail miserably... I hate buses... I sprawled outside the seat in a way that one of my legs could still have some circulation but ah... damn we werent talking about my improvisation of seating in public transport where I dont fit...
So, let me continue, I am real bad company in buses, it gets warm and then I feel lethargic and hence I feel sleepy... so soon I was in a lethargic state of semi sleep... And Sam was doing something but my brain was on off mode...
Bus Stops... It was quite empty now... only me and another guy infront... The bus started again and three Brit guys climbed to the top... They had been drinking enough to seem drunk and enough to know what they were doing...
Nasheri 1 to Sam: Hey love! how you doing? you doing alright?
Sam: ya quite...
NAsheri 1: You are arent you?
pRicky: silence (there is going to be trouble...)
Sam: silence
Nasheri 1, Nasheri 2 and their friend the mobile guy made lot of rukus for a bit.
Nasheri 1 comes and sits behind our seats: hey Love! YOu doing ok huh? (He wasn't very bright... He had asked that several times before)
Sam: Yes, I am ok and You?
pRicky: ( Why ? why would she ask him why?)
Nasheri 1: any chance of a kiss, Love?
pRicky: ( Should I say something??? I should ??? Oh man! trouble!!! Not very brave our dear pRicky...)
Sam: How old are you?
God! these Americans are crazy??? She is this far from being harassed and she wants to know his age... I didnt see the connection and I was still contemplating how should I be reacting... I think too much that is my problem... or was I too much of a coward???
Nasheri 1: You need a real man. I am sure he cant keep up ( alluding to pRicky)
pRicky Keep your tongue in, man. Keep your tongue in...
Sam: I dont do younger men... so why dont you do your friend ( She was alluding to Nasheri 2) and be happy...
pRicky ( oh my god! why ? Why?)
Nasheri 1: You know what, love? I'll do you and my bitch ( his bitch-- Nasheri 2) will do your Bitch ( pricky- Sam's bitch).
Pricky: Hey, you fucker! Shut up and you are the only bitch around here... ( I just cant keep my mouth shut...)
Nasheri 2 now jumped into action and came and stood over where I was sitting: Hey none of that language from you... Dont use fucking bad language with us... ( yeah and you should be advising me because I thought... also I was thinking should I stand up or shouldnt I)
pRicky: Yeah well, Fuck you!
Nasheri 2: You wanna mess with me? you bloody chink cunt!!! ( HEy thought I was chinese???)
pRicky: ( To stand or not to stand)
Nasheri 2: You better shut the fuck up or I'll show you...
Well that did it... stand up it was....
Sam: No, Pricky... Don't
and held on to me hand ( Very filmi... And the coward that I am I sat back...)
Sam: why don't you guys just leave?
Nasheri 2: Why dont you come out?
He was asking me...
I ignored...
The bus was coming to a halt again and I knew for a fact that something would happen...
Nasheri 2 spat and before he spat I was out of my very very narrow seat...
Don't think I did anything heroic... those guys jumped off the bus and I wouldnt know what I really would have done... other than being a coward...
Well, either way, Sam wasn't too upset... She has had several experiences like these and we had a job at our hand... and also yet again it was proved who was the guy when pRicky was around a girl... The girl is the man...
So finally we get to the airport...
When we reached inside we found the whole airport crowded with haggard passengers...
It was brilliant...
We started with taking shots off the tripod...
We found a Press Officer Who we thought was a lucky pick and Sam would have a brilliant interview...
Sam: Can we interview you on Camera?
Press Officer: No...
Sam: we are just students...
PO: Do u have a £5 million insurance? its a public Liability thing...
pRicky: What??? how much did you say??? ( I blurted!!!)
Sam: Our School has insurance but I juts dont know how muc... ( This was after she had gathered her jaw off th ground)
PO: YOu cant shoot.
pRicky: Were those ITN reporters you were talking to?
PO: yes...
pRicky: lets go talk to them...
Sam: Yeah Yeah...
We walked away real fast...
Sam: I am taking this story...
pRicky: yeah...
And then we did something both of us had not thought we would...
pRicky: Do you have David's number if we get arrested?
Sam: No ( she smiled)
pRicky: Great Lets start then...
And start we did... Took all the shots we needed of the tripod. Hiding from all the Airport officials and Policemen and CCtv's.
Sam was excited... I wasn't...
We finished with three brilliant interviews... all done on prosecutable grounds.
But We were both going with the motto ' when else in my life would I be doing this?'
A small £5million pound insurance cant take a brilliant story from being covered...
So we rush out from the airport after lying at the airport about why we were so interested in knowing exactly what was happening about the flights... ( I believe we told everyone that we were waiting for friends coming from somewhere both of us had no idea from where)
The last thing to do? The reporter's Piece to camera...
we come out of the airport to get out of being arrested and guess what greets us?
No fog at all... The whole story gone to the dogs after everything...
Well not quite, God loves Sam... We got to school and fog was back much thicker...
Sam got a brilliant story... And I got another memorable day...
Thanks Sam for letting me on the adventure...
I hope I wasnt too much in your way?
You should have knocked the balls outta those guys, But i guess she managed it pretty well..
But pls be careful, we dont need a black and blue pricky now, do we?
I was like shit they are gonna get it big time or he is gonna get thrashed...
PS you are turning out to be an amazing writer..dont believe, but I mean it.
Sounds like you had awesome fun!!!
By the way how short were the Nasheri's??
Smart Sam.
Well written!
that is not at all how it went. you totally scared those guys off. i really thought you were going to hit them. even though there were 3 of them you were not afraid to get in their face. i think u have a very keen awareness of people. i dont know how u knew they wouldnt hit u when u stood up. i dont know how u knew i would find a story and i dont know how u knew that old lady would be so talkative. u were spot on with all ur "people analyses". thanks for saving my procrastination-prone lazy ass from the brink of doom!
u know what ure ju jitsu master told u to do if someone comes for a fight!!! first run if not try and scare, any closer - take a shot!!!
well i guess u did all the three...
cool bit of writing!
i enjoyed it
that was a fine way of handling a situation of that nature
a cool fight indeed
well done especially u r away
Oh, that post made my day!
However, I wouldn't expect such behaviour in a bus at Christmas time.
In nomine pace.
1. Is 88-O somebody's bust size? Then occupants would be a very appropriate word. ROTFL!
2. 5 million pound insurance?!? For what?
3. Have I got into fights like that? I'm trying to remember...
impressed lah! pricky, you da man!
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