Please Excuse me... Havent slept for more than three hours for more than a month now (I am just using this as an excuse to defend my ramble today... I dont feel sleepy actually at all...)
" pRicky??? You have to go to the airport with Princess..." said T(poor roommate of mine always gets disturbed on my account)
Wordless, I got up, got dressed, took a sip of water. Armed myself with my very empty wallet (Like in India only contacts... who have no clue about my existence, some notes written by someone... a song actually to be precise, a snap of heaven, Uni Id, an ATM card), oyster card(your key to public transport in London... thieves is what run the transport here though)and keys. In space of two minutes.
"Don't sleep and forget where you need to get out while coming back..." said T
pRicky is capable of anything but he hates buses so no way he could fall asleep.
Time 5:12am
pRicky knew he was late...(there goes the image... darn it!!)
Stepped out in the corridor. Princess sat in the corridor, looked exhausted... very endearing.
He took the nearly but not quite heavy suitcase...
" Its raining..." Princess observed.
Silence... pRicky is very annoying never really talks when he should but every other times shoves his feet liberally in his mouth.
Fight happened at the tube station, where in the cheapo that pRicky is gave in and let Princess out money on it.
Finally got to the bus stop...
Time 5:17am
" We just missed the bus..." announced pRicky(right ray of sunshine he is. God man Princess saw going past too)
Princess was stressing like always without reason.
" Lets take the tube?" She ventured
" No... No point" thus spake the great wise pRicky. (Prude says pRicky is bossy, I think that is all tosh)
Time 5:47 am
The bus stops at the bus stop. (the buses actually reach every bust stand at a fixed time... God! the brits dont know how wrong they are tampering with buses adhering to time... Things are way better back home... they are always there two hours after they are supposed to be ther... now that is how real buses work)
So they get into one bus and get off.
Time 5:53 am
H140 arrives at 6:09am
And the trip to the airport begins.
Princess asked several questions. pRicky answered all...(the bloody know it all that he is)
He enlightened Princess with his theories
1. Why English bought the world?
2. Their currency is a sin and a crime?
3. Reason why chapped lips go unnoticed by guys.
All of them were met with disdain. The genius of all of them were lost on Princess.
" I hope your theories do come true..." polite snigger by Princess
" I hope they wont..." Nonchalant pRicky( who are you trying to kid???)
The bus finally got to the airport (whats in the name... I couldnt spell it anyway)
Terminal three this way...
Dragging Princess's not quite heavy suitcase...
Reaching Terminal Three
6:59 am
Princess is feeling real cold. The poor girl. She was so exhausted. What with an hours sleep, and having to put up with pRicky.
Princess gave pRicky a hug, thanked him quite unnecessarily.
pRicky stayed till Princess walked away. Hoping she enjoys her time. She has missed home... He can't help but respect her...
Walks fast, extremely fast outside. He wasn't in a hurry. He was restless had been since he had come here.
Waited for a bus to turn up at its exact time. Smirked in delight when it was a minute late...
What was he thinking???
He had no idea...
pRicky hates buses. Always for as long as he has known he has hated them. He always puked his guts out. He could never eat when he had to travel in one. Whatever stopped him from eating would always be a sworn enemy.
Crapper would be on his trip by now. He might be enjoying the conversation with the breeze with Maya...
T wouldnt have slept...
I don't have an idea...
Sardars are very characterstic... the always walk the same...
Can I look inside these people's head???
Am i making correct observations about this guy who just walked in??? Sherlock Holmes was good... Ah! actually Arthur Cannon Doyle was...
The first sight... the wait till walked late in the class most times than not late... looking to gain attention... getting it for a moment...
every second as clear as ever... every word... every thought...
saved forever...
Second life... linden... blog... not quite working...
Basketball... no more... care??? Lets think about something else...
I was never good at it...
Natural??? at anything????
Messing up, Being a klutz...
Website designing... Journalism... hmmm...
SSB... Not told... it wasn't felt necessary
Pondi... the beach at night... going on one knee... watching kakka... Holding close something more than precious...
Online essay... more excitment after alst night debate...
i-Pod... should I shouldn't I?
Missed Movies... damn it... Krrish... Goal... Pirates Of- Part 2... several others... Dhoom2... Casino Royale... Don...
Matrix ... the virtual is real... Don't know enough... why do I believe in it???
Jamie Fraser... I never was...
Christmas in London... Well where else if not here...
The seats in all buses worldwide are too small...
Oh! My stop...
I shouldnt be left alone with my thoughts...
Music... Should listen to it more...
papa read my blog...
It Isn't too cold... I don't feel cold or i don't acknowledge it???
It would be 16th tomorrow...
No it is today...
Reason enough...
havent been inside the sports hall for more than four days...
Red belt... grade up??? big deal...
Natural at nothing...
Why am I walking so fast????
If I listen to the i-pod... I won't be able to listen to all that goes around me...
Hmm not good...
Should i wake Prude for a walk???
Nah! Prude's been working too hard... can do without being bothered by me...
Matrix... I would most definitely wont be the one... probably would be a pole...
Can I run to Harrow on the hill???
Haven't been reading.... Disgusting that one...
India is more exciting...
pRicky got back to halls... T wasn't asleep... Just as he had thought...
" everything alright?" T wanted to know...
"Hmmm... yeah..." said the grump pRicky...
Should I have coffee??? I don't like it... But what the hell????
" pRicky Sleep ..." T
" NOt feeling sleepy..." pRicky
" Just lie down..." T
"hmmm..." pRicky (Rude is an understatment)
" My flight has been advanced... I am going now..." Snow white hyperventilated...
the fifth time she had spoken directly with pRicky since over one and a half month...
Snow white looked stressed too but happy excited stressed... But Snow white had done everything right through the whole course... so Snow white would be looking forward to the break...
" What???" pRicky blundered (not quite bright our Mister pRick...)
He abandoned his coffee... got into some clothes... armed with the very long ago mentioned Wallet...
Rushed out...
less than a moment...
Flezre... ndiya gu thanda
Full stop right here
Well written..I can actually see it, but you know what, I was gonna post abt something similar!
Abt time... But now will let it pass..
looks like you had many things to write about but couldn quite get there...
other than that, nice..
Beautifully strung together! Its the most momentous piece...says too much and too little!
Ummm...why do guys not notice chapped lips again?? One more thing...
You did more things right in life than you's like that, you are never supposed to know. Even more so for thinkers...because they never stop...they always have to question.
u beat me to this post pRicky!!! i was gonna write an exact same thingy... :)
next time i wouldnt let ya!!!
nice to hear what goes in ure head in words...
take care...
i wont give u my comment this time. i will tell u what MT said abt it when she read beats the shit out of all comments...
MT: I always wanted to write something like that. but i never could. he has done it so well.
btw, didja listen to the songs? liked them?
anonymous : *glomp*
pRicky : leggo!! somebody get this demented woman off of me! anybody!
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